Panasonic HZ25ZKE Flagship Inverter+ - R32

Flagship: a very welcome addition to your home

The smart, new Flagship now comes with nanoe™ X technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals. With advanced control options, class-leading performance, a stylish design and intelligent features, Flagship is designed to make your home comfortable, cleaner and pleasant place to be even in extreme conditions.

The air conditioning connects with the future


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Panasonic HZ25ZKE Flagship Inverter+ - R32 SINGLE PHASE
3.20 kW 4.20 kW
Maximum capacity kW 7,50kW 7,90kW
Heating capacity (Nominal) kW 3,20 4,20
Heating capacity (Min) kW 0,85 0,85
Heating capacity (Max) kW 7,50 7,90
COP (1) W/W 5,61 5,00
Heating capacity at -7°C (2) kW 5,00 5,12
COP at -7°C (1) W/W 2,58 2,56
Heating capacity at -15°C (2) kW 4,78 5,00
COP at -15°C (1) W/W 2,54 2,53
Heating capacity at -20°C (2) kW 4,20 4,30
COP at -20°C (1) W/W 2,40 2,36
Heating capacity at -25°C (2) kW 3,60 3,70
COP at -25°C (1) W/W 2,22 2,20
SCOP (3) 5,30 A+++ 5,30 A+++
Pdesign at -10°C kW 3,20 4,00
Input power heating (Nominal) kW 0,57 0,84
Input power heating (Min) kW 0,17 0,17
Input power heating (Max) kW 2,16 2,25
Annual energy consumption heating (4) kWh/a 845 1.057
Cooling capacity (Nominal) kW 2,50 3,50
Cooling capacity (Min) kW 0,85 0,85
Cooling capacity (Max) kW 3,60 4,60
SEER (3) 8,80 A+++ 8,60 A+++
Pdesign (cooling) kW 2,50 3,50
Input power cooling (Nominal) kW 0,46 0,80
Input power cooling (Min) kW 0,17 0,17
Input power cooling (Max) kW 0,83 1,20
Annual energy consumption cooling (4) kWh/a 99 142
Indoor unit CS-HZ25ZKE CS-HZ35ZKE
Indoor power source V 230 230
Indoor air flow (Heat) m³/min 15,7 15,7
Indoor air flow (Cool) m³/min 12,4 14,1
Moisture removal volume L/h 1,5 2,0
Indoor sound pressure (Heat - Hi) (5) dB(A) 45 45
Indoor sound pressure (Heat - Lo) (5) dB(A) 24 25
Indoor sound pressure (Heat - Q-Lo) (5) dB(A) 18 18
Indoor sound pressure (Cool - Hi) (5) dB(A) 41 44
Indoor sound pressure (Cool - Lo) (5) dB(A) 25 28
Indoor sound pressure (Cool - Q-Lo) (5) dB(A) 19 19
Indoor dimension (Height) mm 295 295
Indoor dimension (Width) mm 870 870
Indoor dimension (Depth) mm 229 229
Indoor net weight kg 11 11
nanoe X Generator Mark 3 Mark 3
Outdoor unit CU-HZ25ZKE CU-HZ35ZKE
Outdoor air flow (Heat) m³/min 33,5 34,4
Outdoor air flow (Cool) m³/min 33,5 34,4
Outdoor sound pressure (Heat - Hi) (5) dB(A) 47 50
Outdoor sound pressure (Heat - Lo) (5) dB(A) 44 47
Outdoor sound pressure (Cool - Hi) (5) dB(A) 46 48
Outdoor sound pressure (Cool - Lo) (5) dB(A) 43 45
Outdoor dimension (Height) (6) mm 622 622
Outdoor dimension (Width) (6) mm 824 824
Outdoor dimension (Depth) (6) mm 299 299
Outdoor net weight kg 34 34
Piping diameter (Liquid) Inch (mm) 1/4 (6,35) 1/4 (6,35)
Piping diameter (Gas) Inch (mm) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52)
Pipe length range m 3 ~ 20 3 ~ 20
Elevation difference (in/out) (7) m 10 10
Pre-charged pipe length m 7,5 7,5
Additional gas amount g/m 10 10
Refrigerant (R32) / CO2 Eq. kg / T 0,90 / 0,61 0,90 / 0,61
Operating range (Heat - Min) °C -25 -25
Operating range (Heat - Max) °C +24 +24
Operating range (Cool - Min) °C +16 +16
Operating range (Cool - Max) °C +43 +43

1) COP calculation is based in accordance to EN14511.
2) Capacity of the heat pump is tested with powerful mode with deice mode included.
3) SCOP and SEER values are Panasonic Factory official result, energy label scale from A+++ to D.
4) The annual energy consumption is calculated in accordance to EU/626/2011.
5) The sound pressure of the indoor unit shows the value measured of a position of 1m in front of the main body and 0,8m below the unit. For outdoor unit 1m in front and 1m in rear side of main body. The sound pressure is measured in accordance with JIS C 9612. Q-Lo: Quiet mode. Lo: The lowest set fan speed.
6) Add 70mm for piping port.

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