ECOi‑W R410A, the solution for hotels, offices and industry

Panasonic ECOi‑W provides the optimal performance in any climate.


High energy saving and comfort
Quiet operation.
Integration with ECOi VRF systems via BMS control.
Centralized remote management system.


High flexibility
Capacity range from 20 to 210 kW.
Customisable design.
Operating range: -17 °C (heating) to 50 °C (cooling).
Wide range of hydraulic options.
Wide range of communication protocols.


Economic and energy consumption innovation
Defrost limiting coil design (140 to 210 kW).
Optimised design for service and maintenance.
Compact footprint.

Operating conditions
Panasonic ECOi‑W provides a wide operating range from -17 °C in heating to 50 °C in cooling.
Water outlet temperature in cooling: A fluid outlet temperature of -10 °C in cooling offers uniqueness to the ECOi‑W Series, which can ensure the operating temperature for process equipment in factories.
Ambient temperature in cooling and heating
Water outlet temperature in cooling and heating

Cooling: Outside air temperature (°C (DB)). Heating: Outside air temperature (°C (WB)).
* Available on special order only.

ECOi‑W R410A line-up
Cooling only range (kW) / Heat pump range (kW)
A. Cooling only range / B. Heat pump range / C. Cooling capacities / D. Heating capacities / E. Energy efficiency class (heating) 1) 2)
1) Those are the data with variable flow. 2) Following Eurovent and COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 811/2013 for low-temperature heat pumps. Scale from A+++ to D, as of 26th September 2019.

Simple user friendly
The ECOi-W R410 units are equipped with a brand-new controller and a user-friendly external control panel that displays the operating parameters and alarms.
Optimised for EC fans control and electronic expansion valve management, the new controller comes built-in with the following communication protocols: Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, Bacnet MSTP, Bacnet IP.