Aquarea Bi-bloc T-CAP Super Quiet Heat Pump
The super quiet unit for extremely low temperatures and real savings at home

Aquarea Super Quiet T-CAP: Extreme temperatures and quiet environment
Aquarea Super Quiet T-CAP (Total Capacity) delivers outstanding efficiency in heating and also in domestic hot water supply. Specially designed to work under severe outdoor conditions, brings full capacity at -20°C and ensures constant capacity down to -15°C. The unit is ready to work down to -28°C. The special outdoor chassis notably reduces operation sound by up to 12 dB.

Aquarea T-CAP is ideal to supply radiators or underfloor heating with temperatures up to 60°C. It operates a stand-alone system or can be combined with existing gas or oil boilers systems. The wide range from 9kW to 16kW, fully adapts the system to the needs of your home.