Deichmann Trbovlje

Trbovlje. Slovenija


Chiller Solutions, Shops

Outdoor units:
Indoor units:

Objective of the project was to provide cooling and heating to the shop room using fan coil units. For this reason project was designed with 55kW Panasonic heat pump unit that is delivering cold and warm water from the roof where unit is installed to the fan coils system in the building. Control of the unit is made using Modbus BMS.


Biggest obstacle was in the shop auxiliary space design as it was too small for cooling/heating equipment installation and at the same time room is used for storing clothes and accessories. Another challenge was creating semi automated air conditioning which would be controlled from our BMS center in Germany.

Solutions & Tech Applied

Most practical idea to solve space design issue was to use heat pump which has factory installed buffer tank. At the same time all other required A/C components, pipes, expansion vessel, etc. have been installed under ceiling in auxiliary room of the shop. This way we managed to meet the needs of the engine room as well as the storage of sales items. As all equipment is installed beyond the scope of easy access using building management system we managed to gain control of air conditioning system via BMS.

 The use of a monoblock heat pump system has proven to be the most suitable solution for the preparation of cooling or heating water in shops where we use fan coil indoor units for cooling and heating. Additional advantage was already factory provided Modbus BMS which offered simple yet reliable way to communicate with heat pump from BMS center in Germany.



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