at the Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona, an association of thousands of area doctors.
That’s why it chose to install Panasonic air conditioners with nanoe™ X technology
in its buildings to achieve a cleaner environment.
Every workplace deserves the comfort and safety that comes with quality air.
What is nanoeTM X

Thanks to the characteristics of nanoe™ X, pollutants can be inhibited.

Inhibit invisible contaminants.
Work with quality air.

Cleaner air for safer spaces.

by literally using water to clean the air. nanoe™ X electrifies hydroxyl (OH) radicals
in microscopic water droplets that inhibit a wide range of air contaminants.
The result is cleaner, fresher, safer air – a concern that will undoubtedly grow stronger
in the future, and is especially important for healthcare facilities.
Improving indoor air quality is a step toward greater staff satisfaction.

Working at a healthcare facility, we need reasonable assurance that the office
environment is sanitary and safe. It is very important for every room and hallway to be as
clean and hygienic as possible. When so many rely on us for medical care, we cannot
afford to become ill due to substandard air quality. Having air conditioners with nanoe™ X
technology can help us achieve safer and more comfortable spaces, so we can be in the
best condition to provide the medical care that people need.
Solutions & Technology Applied
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