Tepelné čerpadlo Aquarea vzduch-voda
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PRO Awards 4th Edition
Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions has announced the winners of its prestigious PRO Awards. The bi-annual awards, celebrate quality installations, innovation and excellence in European projects featuring Panasonic's HVAC+R solutions across a wide range of markets.
Bringing nature’s balance indoors
nanoe™ X, technology with the benefits of hydroxyl radicals.
Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals (OH radicals) have the capacity to inhibit pollutants, certain viruses, and bacteria to clean and deodorise.
nanoe™ X technology can bring these incredible benefits indoors so that hard surfaces, soft furnishings, and the indoor environment can be a cleaner and pleasant place to be, whether at home, at work, or visiting hotels, shops, restaurants etc.
PACi NX Series
NX Series with R32 refrigerant has been developed to meet the demand of easy refurbishment with 3 wired method.
Also integrated with IoT solutions and includes nanoe™ X function as standard.
PACi NX 4 way 60x60 cassette
The PY3, with built-in nanoe™ X for better indoor air quality, perfectly matches with 600 x 600 mm ceiling grids.
New adaptive ducted unit PF3 with nanoe™ X
Superior efficiency with SEER/ SCOP up to A+++/A+++, eco-friendly R32 refrigerant, maximum flexibility with wide capacity range and twin, triple and double twin combination options. Also integrated with IoT solutions and includes nanoe™ X function as standard.
New 4 way 90x90 cassette PU3 with nanoe™ X
These cassettes offer upgraded nanoe™ X and Econavi technologies to make the room air more comfortable and healthy and to increase the energy efficiency.
Solutions for 24/7/365 applications
Panasonic has developed a complete range of solutions for server rooms which efficiently protect your servers, keeping them at an appropriate temperature even when the outdoor temperature is below -25 °C.
Súprava vzduchotechnickej jednotky pre PACi NX
Pripojovacia súprava AHU 3,6 až 14,0 kW pre PACi NX spája vonkajšie jednotky so systémom vzduchotechnických jednotiek. Kombinuje klimatizáciu a čerstvý vzduch len v jednom riešení.
New PRO-HT Tank Series for PACi
Enjoy an efficient DHW / heating and cooling tank.
Panasonic commercial PRO-HT Tank solutions meet all needs of your hot water applications providing 65°C water.
Commercial WLAN Adaptor
Panasonic CZ-CAPWFC1 interface adaptor, allows connection of one or a group of indoor units to Panasonic Comfort Cloud App, which provides control, monitoring, scheduling and error alerts.