Kondenzačné jednotky s prírodným chladivom
Nové ekologické kondenzačné jednotky sCO2 pre komerčné chladenie.
S kondenzačnými jednotkami Panasonic môžete očakávať: úsporu energie, nízku hladinu hluku, nízku hmotnosť, nízku náplň chladiva, nízke náklady na inštaláciu a nízke náklady na servis.
- Spoločnosť Panasonic skombinovala 2-stupňový kompresor s deleným cyklom na zvýšenie účinnosti
- Vysoký sezónny výkon. SEPR: Maximálne 3,10 pri chladení, 1,64 pri mrazení
- Energeticky účinná prevádzka viacerých kompresorov
- Vysoký COP pri vysokej teplote okolia
- Nastavené hodnoty pri strednej alebo nízkej teplote k dispozícii v závislosti od aplikácie
- Maximálna dĺžka potrubia 100 m
- Chladiaci výkon možno regulovať od 25 do 100 % pri čiastočnom zaťažení
- Flexibilné a presné možnosti regulácie s digitálnym vstupom/výstupom
The new environmentally friendly CO2 condensing units for commercial refrigeration

With Panasonic condensing units you can expect:
· Energy savings
· Low noise levels
· Light weight
· Low refrigerant charge
· Low installation cost
· Low costs on servicing
Environmentally friendly
CO2 Condensing units
R744 refrigerant provides higher energy saving and lower CO2 emission compared to R404A. Zero ODP and GWP=1 means natural substance.
Smart technology
· Inverter+
· High efficiency compressor
· Super quiet
· Operation range up to 43 °C
· Anti corrosion coating
· Heat recovery port
· Automatic fan
· 5 Years compressor warranty
· BMS connectivity
With Panasonic condensing units you can expect:
· Energy savings
· Low noise levels
· Light weight
· Low refrigerant charge
· Low installation cost
· Low costs on servicing
Environmentally friendly
CO2 Condensing units
R744 refrigerant provides higher energy saving and lower CO2 emission compared to R404A. Zero ODP and GWP=1 means natural substance.
Smart technology
· Inverter+
· High efficiency compressor
· Super quiet
· Operation range up to 43 °C
· Anti corrosion coating
· Heat recovery port
· Automatic fan
· 5 Years compressor warranty
· BMS connectivity
Condensing units with natural refrigerant
Panasonic has solutions for convenience stores, supermarkets, service stations and cold room applications.
Panasonic Cold Chain - CR Series - Highlights
A sustainable refrigeration systems in your food retail

Panasonic condensing units with natural refrigerant
The new environmentally friendly CO2 condensing units for commercial refrigeration.
With Panasonic condensing units you can expect:
· Energy savings
· Low noise levels
· Light weight
· Low refrigerant charge
· Low installation cost
· Low costs on servicing
Choose the green solution
Why CO2?: Natural refrigerant
CO2 is an environmentally-friendly solution, with zero 0DP and “GWP” (Global Warming Potential)=1 means natural substance in the atmosphere.
In Europe a step-by-step HFC reduction has been in place since the F-Gas regulation was introduced in 2015.
Reliable CO2 technology by Panasonic
· Reliable quality: Made in Japan
· 10 000 units sold and installed in 3 700 retail operations such as convenience stores and supermarkets in Japan (As of the end of November 18)
· Excellent quality control established by skilled factory team
· Panasonic offers 5 year warranties on compressors and 2 years on components
· The 5 year compressor warranty matches the products long lifespan
Panasonic condensing units with natural refrigerant
The new environmentally friendly CO2 condensing units for commercial refrigeration.
With Panasonic condensing units you can expect:
· Energy savings
· Low noise levels
· Light weight
· Low refrigerant charge
· Low installation cost
· Low costs on servicing
Choose the green solution
Why CO2?: Natural refrigerant
CO2 is an environmentally-friendly solution, with zero 0DP and “GWP” (Global Warming Potential)=1 means natural substance in the atmosphere.
In Europe a step-by-step HFC reduction has been in place since the F-Gas regulation was introduced in 2015.
Reliable CO2 technology by Panasonic
· Reliable quality: Made in Japan
· 10 000 units sold and installed in 3 700 retail operations such as convenience stores and supermarkets in Japan (As of the end of November 18)
· Excellent quality control established by skilled factory team
· Panasonic offers 5 year warranties on compressors and 2 years on components
· The 5 year compressor warranty matches the products long lifespan
MT/LT TYP 2000VF8A - 29kW / 15kW | THREE PHASE | ||
29.0 kW | |||
Standard model | OCU-CR2000VF8A | ||
Anti corrosion coating model | OCU-CR2000VF8ASL | ||
Type (MT: medium temp. LT: low temp.) | MT (29kW) / LT (15kW) | ||
Power supply (Voltage) | V | 380 / 400 / 415 | |
Power supply (Phase) | Trojfázový | ||
Power supply (Frequency) | Hz | 50 | |
Cooling capacity at ET -10°C AT 32°C | kW | 28,74 | |
Cooling capacity at ET -35°C AT 32°C | kW | 14,73 | |
Evaporator connection | Viaceré | ||
Evaporation temperature (Min) | °C | -45 | |
Evaporation temperature (Max) | °C | -5 | |
Ambient temperature (Min) | °C | -20 | |
Ambient temperature (Max) | °C | +45 | |
Refrigerant | R744 | ||
Design pressure liquid line | Mpa | 8 | |
Design pressure suction line | Mpa | 8 | |
User system external alarm. Digital input. Non-voltage contact | Áno | ||
Liquid tube electromagnetic valve | Vac | - | |
Showcase operation ON/OFF signal. Digital input. Non-voltage contact | Áno | ||
Modbus communication line (RS485) | Ports | Áno | |
Type of compressors | 2-stupňový rotačný | ||
Dimension (Height) | mm | 1.941 | |
Dimension (Width) | mm | 1.190 | |
Dimension (Depth) | mm | 890 | |
Net weight | kg | 494 | |
Length of connection piping | m | 100 (2) | |
PED | CAT | II | |
Air flow | m³/min | 220 | |
External static pressure | Pa | 58 | |
Heat recovery port | Áno | ||
Standard performance | . | ||
Ambient temperature | °C | 32 | |
Evaporating temperature (MT) | °C | -10 | |
Evaporating temperature (LT) | °C | -35 | |
Cooling capacity (MT) | kW | 28,74 | |
Cooling capacity (LT) | kW | 14,73 | |
Power consumption (MT) | kW | 15,67 | |
Power consumption (LT) | kW | 13,45 | |
Nominal load ampere (MT) | A | 24,31 | |
Nominal load ampere (LT) | A | 20,49 | |
Sound pressure (MT) | dB(A) | 38,9 (3) | |
Sound pressure (LT) | dB(A) | 38,9 (3) |
(1) Tieto priemery zodpovedajú výkonu jednotky. Požadovaný priemer sa musí vypočítať pomocou aplikácie Chladiaci dizajnér, ktorá je k dispozícii na stránke PRO Club.
(2) V prípade dĺžky > 50 m sa musí pridať PZ-68S (chladiaci olej).
(3) ET -10 °C, 60 S-1, 10 m od výrobku.
* K dispozícii v lete 2024. Predbežné údaje.