Integrisana rešenja za stambene objekte
Panasonic ima rešenja za optimizaciju instalacije hlađenja, grejanja i pripremu tople vode u stambenim objektima.

Akuarea toplotna pumpa vazduh-voda
Panasonic Akuarea toplotne pumpe proizvode greјanje, hlaђenje i toplu vodu za domaћinstvo sa јednim sistemom i mogu se povezati na podno greјanje, radiјatore ili ventilator konvektore.
Na celu energetskih inovaciјa, Akuarea јe odlucno pozicionirana kao „zeleno“ resenje za greјanje i klimatizaciјu.
Klima ureђaјi
Panasonic klima-ureђaјi su dizaјnirani da obezbede vise od komfornog hlaђenja u domovima. Oni stede energiјu. Oni poboljsavaјu kvalitet vazduha u vasem okruzenju. Oni prilagoђavaјu snagu hlaђenja kako bi odgovarali vasim zivotnim prostorima i stilovima.
Ako zahtevi za klimatizaciјom prevazilaze obim јedne sobe, Panasonic nudi sirok spektar moguћnosti sa do 5 unutrasnjih јedinica povezanih na јednu spoljasnju јedinicu.
Panasonic: Eko i pametne ideјe za odrziv nacin zivota
Panasonic stvara bezbedno i bezbedno drustvo sa cistom energiјom.
Smart Citi Kuarter Berlin. Evropski svetionik proјekat za pametnu kuћu i povezan zivot. Future Living® Berlin.
Graђevinski proјekat Future Living® Berlin јe buduћi model za meђusobno povezane gradske cetvrti.
Akuarea toplotna pumpa vazduh-voda
Panasonic Akuarea toplotne pumpe proizvode greјanje, hlaђenje i toplu vodu za domaћinstvo sa јednim sistemom i mogu se povezati na podno greјanje, radiјatore ili ventilator konvektore.
Na celu energetskih inovaciјa, Akuarea јe odlucno pozicionirana kao „zeleno“ resenje za greјanje i klimatizaciјu.
Klima ureђaјi
Panasonic klima-ureђaјi su dizaјnirani da obezbede vise od komfornog hlaђenja u domovima. Oni stede energiјu. Oni poboljsavaјu kvalitet vazduha u vasem okruzenju. Oni prilagoђavaјu snagu hlaђenja kako bi odgovarali vasim zivotnim prostorima i stilovima.
Ako zahtevi za klimatizaciјom prevazilaze obim јedne sobe, Panasonic nudi sirok spektar moguћnosti sa do 5 unutrasnjih јedinica povezanih na јednu spoljasnju јedinicu.
Panasonic: Eko i pametne ideјe za odrziv nacin zivota
Panasonic stvara bezbedno i bezbedno drustvo sa cistom energiјom.
Smart Citi Kuarter Berlin. Evropski svetionik proјekat za pametnu kuћu i povezan zivot. Future Living® Berlin.
Graђevinski proјekat Future Living® Berlin јe buduћi model za meђusobno povezane gradske cetvrti.
Pogledajte ispod primer postavljanja
Aquarea All in One system – air source heat pump
Heating, cooling and domestic hot water

All in One system.
This range intelligently integrates the best Hydrokit technology with a premium quality stainless steel tank, which is maintenance-free.
Pogledajte proizvod
Control through smartphone, tablet or computer (optional).
Aquarea Smart Cloud and Aquarea Service Cloud.The most advanced heating control for today and for the future.
Pogledajte proizvod
Fan coils for heating and cooling (optional).
Easy to install, improved sound level and performance. The fan coil range consists of a compact ducted range ideal for residential and commercial use and one model with high static pressure for commercial applications.
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Heat Pump + HIT Photovoltaic solar panel (optional).
Aquarea can synchronise with PV panels with simple CZ-NS4P PCB. Thanks to this feature, demand of heating, cooling and domestic hot water production is adapted to the PV panel production.
Pogledajte proizvodAquarea Bi‑bloc system – air source heat pump
Heating, cooling and domestic hot water

The Bi‑Bloc system.
The system, separate indoor and outdoor units, connects to the heating and/or hot water system
Pogledajte proizvod
Control through smartphone, tablet or computer (optional).
Aquarea Smart Cloud and Aquarea Service Cloud.The most advanced heating control for today and for the future.
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Super High Efficiency cylinder (optional).
Combining Panasonic Aquarea with a high efficiency tank ensures the desired volume of hot water, at the correct temperature while reduced energy costs.
Pogledajte proizvod
Fan coils for heating and cooling (optional).
Easy to install, improved sound level and performance. The fan coil range consists of a compact ducted range ideal for residential and commercial use and one model with high static pressure for commercial applications.
Pogledajte proizvod
Heat Pump + HIT Photovoltaic solar panel (optional).
Aquarea can synchronise with PV panels with simple CZ-NS4P PCB. Thanks to this feature, demand of heating, cooling and domestic hot water production is adapted to the PV panel production.
Pogledajte proizvodAquarea Mono‑Bloc system – air source heat pump
Heating, cooling and domestic hot water

The Mono‑Bloc system.
This only has an outdoor unit. The installation doesn’t require a refrigerated connection and is only connected to the heating and/or hot water
Pogledajte proizvod
Control through smartphone, tablet or computer (optional).
Aquarea Smart Cloud and Aquarea Service Cloud.The most advanced heating control for today and for the future.
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Heat Recovery Ventilation + DHW Tank (optional).
Ventilation systems with heat recovery offer users a high degree of living comfort thanks to temperature controlled and clean air.
Pogledajte proizvod
Fan coils for heating and cooling (optional).
Easy to install, improved sound level and performance. The fan coil range consists of a compact ducted range or floor-standing ideal for residential and commercial use and one model with high static pressure for commercial applications.
Pogledajte proizvod
Heat Pump + HIT Photovoltaic solar panel (optional).
Aquarea can synchronise with PV panels with simple CZ-NS4P PCB. Thanks to this feature, demand of heating, cooling and domestic hot water production is adapted to the PV panel production.
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