Panasonic Comfort Cloud App
Convenient centralised control

Advanced smartphone control for domestic range.
Smart Control
Smart Comfort
Adjust set temperature.
Pre-heat or cool.
nanoe™ X*.
Smart Efficiency
Energy usage analysis**.
Energy usage comparison (day/week/month/year).
Smart Assist
Error codes notification and identification***.
User’s control right.
Easily control and access all features of remote control anytime, anywhere.
New possibilities, new applications

Smart control at your fingertips

Scalability and users management
Energy monitor and statistics
* Estimated energy consumption data accuracy depends on power supply quality.

Connection Diagram to Panasonic Comfort Cloud

Remark: indoor temperature display and some special functions are not available through the App for all models. Languages: Available in 19 European languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Deutsch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
Download free App, try Panasonic Comfort Cloud