PACi NX Series. The next generation is here
· The PAC NX Elite range has been expanded to include Big PACi NX models 20,0‑25,0kW
· R32 refrigerant
· Easy refurbishment with the 3 wired method
· Integrated with IoT solutions
· nanoe™ X for better indoor air quality, included as standard in all air to air indoor units

Professional air conditioners with R32 refrigerant

PACi NX Series for absolute ease of refurbishment
This series have been developed with 3 wire power and communication. It makes it simple and easy to replace old systems with 3 wire connections, which is prevalent in many systems.
Top-tier commercial air conditioning
· From 3,6 to 25kW
· Top class SEER: A+++ / SCOP: A+++ at 3,6kW (in 90x90 cassette)
· A compact outdoor unit featuring a single fan across all the capacities
· Operation range up to 52°C in cooling and down to -20°C in heating
· Maximum piping length 100m
· Twin, triple and double-twin connections
· Compatible with AHU connection kit
For economy and value
· From 2,5 to 14,0kW
· SEER: A++ / SCOP: A++ up to 7,1kW (in 90x90 cassette)
· Operation range up to 43°C in cooling and down to -15°C in heating
· Maximum piping length 50m
· Twin connection possible
· Compatible with AHU connection kit
Excellent seasonal performance for daily energy saving
PZH4 Series seasonal performance.

* Performance tested with a 4-way cassette90×90 cassette for 7,1 to 14 kW and a high static pressure hideaway for 20-25kW.
PACi NX Elite Series 4
The compact outdoor unit with one fan will fit in limited installation space.
A compact outdoor unit featuring a single fan across all the capacities up to 25,0kW.
Lightweight, making it easy to carry and install.
Short height 996mm

1. Big PACi NX from 20,0 to 25,0kW
2. Example: Conventional Big PACi models (20,0-25,0kW)
Design operation conditions

Long piping allowance maximum 100m
Adaptable to various building types and sizes.
Maximum piping length: 100m (10,0-25,0kW). 60m (7,1kW).

* 15m if the outdoor unit is below the indoor unit.
The compact and high efficiency solution for shops, restaurants, offices or residential applications.

Wide range of indoor units from 2,5 to 25,0kW