2-Pipe ECO G GE3 Series
- Gas driven VRF system
- Free hot water production
- Connectable to ECOi indoor units and controls
- Compatible with Water Heat Exchanger units

3-Pipe ECO G GF3 Series
- Heat recovery Gas driven VRF system
- Free hot water production
- Connectable to ECOi indoor units and controls
- Compatible with Water Heat Exchanger units

Mini ECOi Series
- High Efficiency SEER and SCOP
- Compact units that saves space
- Piping length for flexible design and installation

2-Pipe ECOi EX
- VRF with outstanding energy-saving performance and powerful operation SEER 7,56 (18HP model)
- High performance at extreme conditions
- Outstanding efficiency and comfort
- Superior flexibility

3-Pipe ECOi EX MF3 Series
- Simultaneous heating and cooling operation with heat recovery type
- SEER / SCOP improved in full capacities from 8 to 16HP
- SEER / SCOP follows LOT21 from started from January 2018
- EER / COP is certified in Eurovent