New TZ with R32 refrigerant powerful and efficient.
The new TZ indoor units have a new size. With 779mm of width, you can put the air conditioner on the top of the door.
New super-compact design
Built-in WLAN and compatible with Voice Assistant
Stylish infrared control

R32 refrigerant environmental friendly

Complete line-up of
standard Inverter models

Built-in WLAN Panasonic Comfort Cloud for internet control

Super Quiet! Only 20dB(A)

Aerowings to control

Wired control (Optional)

Super-compact design

New built-in WLAN for smartphone control option

Control air to air heat pump operation with Panasonic Comfort Cloud plus additional functions only available through the Cloud from wherever and whenever. One user can manage up to 200 units and also set up different user and rights. Also energy monitoring is possible giving the chance to learn how to reduce operating costs even further.
Works with Alexa and Google Home. Depending on country.
More information >
Download the Panasonic Comfort Cloud App and try a demo on App Store.
Download the Panasonic Comfort Cloud App and try a demo on Google play.

New Voice Control. Words do more than actions
Control without boundaries and get hands-free help to fully access the features of your air conditioners. Maximising your cooling comfort is now a breeze with our Network-Enabled air conditioners with Panasonic Comfort Cloud and Voice Control.Panasonic Air Conditioners with Aerowings feature an indoor design with wider intake grille and super-high fan speed to produce bigger air volume.

Aerowings presenta due palette indipendenti che offrono un maggiore controllo sulla direzione del flusso d'aria. Senza Aerowings, con il flusso d'aria diretto,la direzione del flusso non cambia mai, quindi si può facilmente iniziare a percepire troppo freddo in quanto si è sottoposti ad una continua esposizione a un flusso d'aria freddo.
Comfort protatto nel tempo
When the Aerowings twin blades direct air towards the ceiling they create the Shower Cooling effect.

This ensures cool air is evenly distributed throughout the room and you can stay comfortable without experiencing continuous direct cooling.

Sfrutta il design innovativo del nuovo ed elegante telecomando controller Sky retroilluminato
Rapido accesso alle funzioni chiave grazie ad una originale copertura a scorrimento che rivela più impostazioni. Si adatta comodamente alla tua mano.Adjust your settings even in a dark room thanks to backlit screen.
A smooth sliding cover does not only enhance the remote’s clean lines, but keeps the buttons free from dirt and smudges.

R32 Refrigerant
Which is why we are now presenting a generation of air conditioners with R32, an innovative refrigerant in all ways imaginable: it is easy to install, and compared to most other refrigerants it has a much lower environmental impact and saves energy.
The result? Greater wellbeing for people and for the planet. Because there will always be people who resist change. But we say: Goodbye yesterday. Hello R32.
Today Panasonic. Tomorrow everyone.
European regulation CE 517/2014 makes the replacement of fluorinated gases (F-gases) compulsory, such as R410A, for environmental reasons, although it also grants a transition period from 2017 to 2030.
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