A wide coverage of application
Comfort and air conditioning needs in commercial buildings must take into account the high demand for energy, the high number of people during the day, and the need to heat or cool quickly, changing loads and constantly renewing air. Water source heat pumps provide accurate local control of different spaces, with high reliability and allow the overall energy consumption to be broken down by zone.
A wide coverage of application
For supermarket applications, Panasonic has a wide range of solutions suitable to satisfy the required conditions: rooftops units can manage indoor ambient temperature and control the air quality, water source heat pumps have high efficiency and can allow independent zone management.
A wide coverage of application
Ensuring a comfortable environment for the guests is the main challenge in all the types of hotel.
Panasonic offers a complete system thanks to the wide capacity range of its chillers, the design and low-noise operation of its fan coil units and the zone independent management of different spaces with its water source heat pumps.
A wide coverage of application
Comfort and air conditioning needs in commercial buildings must take into account the high demand for energy, the high number of people during the day, and the need to heat or cool quickly, changing loads and constantly renewing air. Water source heat pumps provide accurate local control of different spaces, with high reliability and allow the overall energy consumption to be broken down by zone.
A wide coverage of application
For supermarket applications, Panasonic has a wide range of solutions suitable to satisfy the required conditions: rooftops units can manage indoor ambient temperature and control the air quality, water source heat pumps have high efficiency and can allow independent zone management.
A wide coverage of application
Ensuring a comfortable environment for the guests is the main challenge in all the types of hotel.
Panasonic offers a complete system thanks to the wide capacity range of its chillers, the design and low-noise operation of its fan coil units and the zone independent management of different spaces with its water source heat pumps.

Key features for ECOi-LOOP
High efficiency.
Heating and cooling of rooms at the same time. All units are connected to the same water loop.
Decentralised cool/heat production (closed water circuit).
Water heater or cooling tower do not need to be operated as long as cooling and heating loads are roughly balanced. Temperature in the water loop will be kept between 16 and 32°C.
Reduced refrigerant charge (no refrigerant pipes to an outdoor unit required).
Low risk of leakage (hermetically sealed systems).
Water source heat pumps can be easily added or removed without changing the system layout.
Each unit is autonomous and has its own controller allowing also its own safety.
The reasons to choose Panasonic as your partner
A wide variety of Panasonic HVAC system solutions
1. Luxury housing estates - Condominiums: Chillers and heat pumps. 2. Hotels: Chillers and heat pumps, fan coils and water source heat pumps.3. Mall: Water source heat pumps and rooftops. 4. Airports: Chillers and heat pumps, and rooftops. 5. Factories: Chillers and heat pumps. 6. Supermarkets: Water source heat pumps and rooftops.
7. Offices / Large buildings: Chillers and heat pumps, and fan coils. 8. Hospitals: Chillers and heat pumps, and rooftops.