Solutions for 24/7/365 applications
High efficiency products for 24/7 applications. A range of solutions which can efficiently protect your severs, keeping them at an appropriate temperature.

A wide range of solutions for 24/7/365

· From 2,5 to 7,1 kW with YKEA units A+++ in cooling· PACi NX units from 2,5 to 14,0 kW· Increased sensible capacity options with low temperature output available (with PACi NX)· Back-up function· Duty rotation mode· Error information by dry contact· Operation even at -25 °C outdoor temperature (*for YKEA units)· High seasonal performance· Designed for 24h/7d a week operation
Control solutions for PACi
Interface to run 2 or 3 PACi and VRF indoor units. PAW-PACR3

In combination with one PAW-T10 on each indoor unit, allows the redundant operation of 2 (or 3) PACi or VRF indoor units.
All units will be operated sequentially in order to achieve the same operating time (example turn every 8 hours within a 24 hour period).
If the room temperature exceeds a freely set value, the 2nd (or 3rd) unit will be switched ON and an alarm will be activated.
A: Alarm contact - B: Room thermostat - C: External contacts
Display and Settings:
Possible to select next unit manually / Possible to reset operation / LED display shows operation status of the 2 or 3 units / Operation status output / Alarm LED and alarm output / Temperature limit can be set / Temperature hysteresis can be set / Room temperature is displayed / Time counter displayed
Group wiring of 2 systems of PACi can do auto individual control.
Rotation operation / Back-up operation / Support operation
A: System 1 - B: System 2
Control solutions with wall-mounted YKEA
YKEA Duty rotation mode (requires optional CZ-RCC5)

Two indoor units operate alternately to maintain the room temperature, reducing the load on the air conditioners and providing stable operation.Even if one of the units breaks down, the other unit supports stable operation.