Women at Panasonic Heating and Cooling Solutions Europe
by Panasonic 12-11-2024 Uncategorized
Welcome to our latest interview where you will be diving into the HVAC industry through different women perspectives and careers.
How do you started in the HVACR industry?
I started through an internship as a back office engineer in a HVACR
manufacturer while I was still studying at university.
What are some common misconceptions about
working in the HVACR industry?
I don't think there are any conceptual errors,
but perhaps a lack of knowledge about the industry itself from the outside. In
other words, the installations in general are elements that the user is not
used to perceiving and is not aware of the design difficulties that they may
have entailed.
What do you enjoy most about working in
There are many aspects that I could highlight,
but perhaps what I like the most is the human team that makes up Panasonic.
There is a great work environment that then translates into great teamwork.
There is always someone willing to help you with a difficulty or query.
What qualities do you think are essential
for success in HVACR?
In my opinion, a good technical and academic
background is very important since it is a market of very specific and
technical products, but today what differentiates you are the personal skills
(soft skills) and values that allow you to connect with the customer. It is
your personal brand that allows you to establish trusting and lasting
It is also importat, being able to adapt
quickly to a sector that is constantly evolving and for which you need to have
the ability to anticipate and be in continuous training.
What advice would you give to young women
considering a career in HVACR?
That they have confidence in themselves that
they can contribute a lot to a company.
When you start a professional career, certain fears are usually
generated due to lack of experience, but the reality is that a younger profile
always brings new approaches and ways of doing things. Experience is acquired
over time and it is precisely this symbiosis between junior and senior profiles
that makes a company evolve, in addition to of course, guaranteeing
generational change.
How can we support and encourage more women
to join the HVACR industry?
Perhaps giving greater visibility, not to the
industry itself but to the possible professional opportunities it offers, which
are many. From the design and R+D part, marketing, engineering, sales,
after-sales, etc... The range of professional opportunities is really wide and
covers very different types of professionals.
How do you continue to learn and expand your knowledge in HVACR?
I always try to be in continuous training and
for this I like to be present at the different training sessions offered by the
sector, both internally in the company and through informative organizations.
Also through more specific courses or by carrying out a master's degree.
How do you stay updated with the latest
trends and technologies in HVACR?
It is a very changing market in which it is
necessary to be in continuous recycling of both new products, technology,
regulations. What I try to do is to continue training day by day through the
different training sessions in the sector, related news, etc...
How do you foster teamwork and
collaboration among your colleagues?
In every company, it is essential that there
is a good work environment and promote teamwork. For my part, I always try to
face the challenges of the day to day with a good attitude and positivity since
it is what you transmit to your colleagues and what I would like to receive
from them. In addition to this, I think it is important that there is good
communication within the team and knowing how to value individual opinions.
What role do you see sustainability playing
in the future of HVACR?
Without a doubt, a fundamental role. We must be aware of the impact that our activity has on the environment and try to minimize it as much as possible. That is why the sector must be in continuous evolution so that this allows us to have new technologies and more sustainable solutions.
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