3 raisons qui font de Panasonic le meilleur choix pour les hôpitaux

Cf. exemple d’installation ci-dessous

Hospital Roof

ECOi-W R32 – Cooling only and heat pumps chillers.

Sustainable chiller solutions to suit hospital projects. With a capacity range from 50 to 170 kW.

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ECOi-W R410A – Cooling only and heat pumps chillers.

Fully customisable design to meet the hospital application needs. With a capacity range from 20 to 210 kW.

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ECOi-W Cloud - remote monitoring.

This control provides remote access, in real time, to optimise service and maintenance work. It is a useful solution for a project requiring high levels of safety and non-stop operation, such as hospitals.

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Hospital Floor

A wide variety of fan coils.

A wide variety of units to suit your needs, with flexible installation options. High efficiency and low noise operation allows for optimum comfort. Operation in heating and cooling is possible.

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Intuitive controllers for fan coils.

Controllers with sophisticated designs provide a user friendly interface. An easy and low cost integration to building management systems.

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