New 4 way 90x90 cassette - PU3
These cassettes offer upgraded nanoe™ X and Econavi technologies.
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Looduslik tasakaal siseruumides
Improved indoor air quality with nanoe™ X and fresh air intake
nanoe™ X technology equipped as standard for improved indoor air quality.
Internal cleaning function for the unit with nanoe™ X.
High external fresh air intake volume with optional kit (CZ-FDU3 CZ-ATU2).
Superior energy efficiency and comfort
High seasonal efficiency both in heating and cooling, maximum SEER/SCOP = A+++/A+++.
Econavi: Intelligent sensors to increase energy savings and comfort.
Super quiet operation down to 27dB(A).
Easy installation
Light weight, easy piping and integrated drain pump for quick installation .
New wired remote controller CZ-RTC6BL allows easy system setting via Bluetooth®.

Always fresh and clean air with nanoe™ X
The 4 way 90x90 cassette with nanoe™ X, when tested, has shown to inhibit hazardous substances by 92 %, when compared to natural reduction*.In addition to the 7 effects of nanoe™ X, the indoor unit can also be cleaned with a short operation of nanoe™ X dry mode.
* Controllers (CZ-RTC5B or CZ-RTC6/BL/BLW) are required.
After cooling/drying operation, the inside of the indoor unit is automatically dried and nanoe™ X is activated to suppress mould growth and to reduce odour.
nanoe™ X effect against odour proven in large space
* Hexadecane is a hazardous substance contained in gasoline and diesel exhaust gas, and considered to be one cause of oil odour.

92% inhibited
* SIRIM Berhad (SIRIM),a premier industrial research and technology organization in Malaysia, wholly-owned by the Ministry of Finance Incorporated.
Optional Econavi intelligent sensor
2 sensors (movement and floor temperature) can provide a reduction in wasted energy by means of effective control. The floor temperature can be detected with a ceiling height of 5m.

b. Area detected by movemet sensor.
c. Area detected by floor temperature sensor.
a. Floor temperature sensor. This sensor detects average floor temperature and operates circulation if floor temperature is low.
b. Movement sensor. This sensor detects the amount of human activity, and operates effectively.
c. Wired remote controller CZ-RTC5B or CZ-RTC6/BL/BLW is required.
A humidity sensor positioned in the air inlet provides comfort and saves energy based on temperature and humidity.
Circulating operation is activated when a room is unoccupied to evenly distribute air and minimize thermal stratification in both heating and cooling operation.

b. Humidity.
c. High.
d. Temperature.
f. Normal operation.
g. Lower set temperature in heating when humidity is high.