PACi Elite adaptive ducted unit - PF3 - R32

Newly designed adaptive ducted unit - PF3 for R32 PACi

2 installation possibilities (horizontal / vertical) with high external static pressure 150Pa allows flexible installation.

Un confort naturel pour votre intérieur

Nouveau gainable adaptatif PF3

La dernière génération de climatiseurs pour le tertiaire est arrivée


Voir tout
PACi Elite adaptive ducted unit - PF3 - R32 Monophasé Triphasé
3.6 kW 5.0 kW 6.0 kW 7.1 kW 10.0 kW 12.5 kW 14.0 kW 7.1 kW 10.0 kW 12.5 kW 14.0 kW
Kit KIT-36PF3ZH25 KIT-50PF3ZH25 KIT-60PF3ZH25 KIT-71PF3ZH25 KIT-100PF3ZH25 KIT-125PF3ZH25 KIT-140PF3ZH25 KIT-71PF3ZH28 KIT-100PF3ZH28 KIT-125PF3ZH28 KIT-140PF3ZH28
Cooling capacity (Nominal) kW 3,4 5,0 5,7 6,8 9,5 12,1 13,4 6,8 9,5 12,1 13,4
Cooling capacity (Min) kW 1,5 1,5 2,0 2,2 3,1 3,2 3,3 2,2 3,1 3,2 3,3
Cooling capacity (Max) kW 4,0 5,6 6,3 7,8 11,4 13,6 15,3 7,8 11,4 13,6 15,3
EER (Nominal) (1) W/W 4,36 3,55 3,83 3,74 4,17 3,58 3,38 3,74 4,17 3,58 3,38
EER (Min) (1) W/W 5,36 4,84 5,13 5,64 5,08 5,00 4,18 5,64 5,08 5,00 4,18
EER (Max) (1) W/W 2,25 2,80 2,68 2,41 2,82 3,00 2,59 2,41 2,82 3,00 2,59
SEER/ηsc (2) % 6,3 A++ 6,3 A++ 7,4 A++ 7,1 A++ 7,4 A++ 281,7 275,9 7,0 A++ 7,3 A++ 281,7 275,9
Pdesign (cooling) kW 3,4 5,0 5,7 6,8 9,5 12,1 13,4 6,8 9,5 12,1 13,4
Input power cooling (Nominal) kW 0,78 1,41 1,49 1,82 2,28 3,38 3,96 1,82 2,28 3,38 3,96
Input power cooling (Min) kW 0,28 0,31 0,39 0,39 0,61 0,64 0,79 0,39 0,61 0,64 0,79
Input power cooling (Max) kW 1,78 2,00 2,35 2,24 4,04 4,54 5,90 3,24 4,04 4,54 5,90
Annual energy consumption cooling (3) kWh/a 188 278 269 332 447 338 451
Heating capacity (Nominal) kW 4,0 5,5 7,0 7,5 10,8 13,5 15,5 7,5 10,8 13,5 15,5
Heating capacity (Min) kW 1,5 1,5 1,8 2,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 2,0 3,1 3,2 3,3
Heating capacity (Max) kW 5,0 6,5 8,0 9,0 13,5 15,4 17,4 9,0 13,5 15,4 17,4
COP (Nominal) (1) W/W 4,35 3,79 4,04 4,03 3,97 3,46 3,44 4,03 3,97 3,46 3,44
COP (Min) (1) W/W 6,52 5,77 5,29 5,41 5,25 5,16 4,29 5,41 5,25 5,16 4,29
COP (Max) (1) W/W 2,84 2,97 2,63 3,16 3,07 3,06 3,14 3,16 3,07 3,06 3,14
SCOP/ηsc (2) % 4,4 A+ 4,3 A+ 4,8 A++ 4,7 A++ 4,5 A+ 170,0 171,0 4,7 A++ 4,5 A+ 170,0 171,0
Pdesign at -10°C kW 2,4 3,8 4,4 4,7 7,8 9,3 9,5 4,7 7,8 9,3 9,5
Input power heating (Nominal) kW 0,92 1,45 1,72 1,86 2,72 3,90 4,51 1,86 2,72 3,90 4,51
Input power heating (Min) kW 0,23 0,26 0,34 0,37 0,59 0,62 0,77 0,37 0,59 0,62 0,77
Input power heating (Max) kW 1,76 2,19 3,04 2,85 4,40 5,04 5,55 2,85 4,40 5,04 5,55
Annual energy consumption heating (3) kWh/a 762 1231 1259 1393 2424 1 394 2424
Indoor unit S-3650PF3E S-3650PF3E S-6071PF3E S-6071PF3E S-1014PF3E S-1014PF3E S-1014PF3E S-6071PF3E S-1014PF3E S-1014PF3E S-1014PF3E
External static pressure (Nominal) (4) Pa 30 30 30 30 40 50 50 30 40 50 50
External static pressure (Min) (4) Pa 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
External static pressure (Max) (4) Pa 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Moisture removal volume L/h 0,9 1,9 1,7 2,7 3,2 4,1 4,9 2,7 3,2 4,1 4,9
Indoor air flow (Hi) m³/min 14,0 16,0 21,0 21,0 32,0 34,0 36,0 21,0 32,0 34,0 36,0
Indoor air flow (Med) m³/min 13,0 15,0 19,0 19,0 26,0 29,0 32,0 19,0 26,0 29,0 32,0
Indoor air flow (Lo) m³/min 10,0 12,0 15,0 15,0 21,0 23,0 25,0 15,0 21,0 23,0 25,0
Indoor sound pressure (Hi) (5) dB(A) 32 34 30 30 33 35 39 30 33 35 39
Indoor sound pressure (Med) (5) dB(A) 27 30 26 26 29 31 35 26 29 31 35
Indoor sound pressure (Lo) (5) dB(A) 22 25 23 23 25 27 29 23 25 27 29
Indoor sound power (Hi) dB(A) 53 57 53 53 56 58 62 53 56 58 62
Indoor sound power (Med) dB(A) 50 53 49 49 52 54 58 49 52 54 58
Indoor sound power (Lo) dB(A) 45 48 46 46 48 50 52 46 48 50 52
Indoor dimension (Height) mm 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Indoor dimension (Width) mm 800 800 1000 1000 1400 1400 1400 1000 1400 1400 1400
Indoor dimension (Depth) mm 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730
Indoor net weight kg 25 25 30 30 39 39 39 30 39 39 39
nanoe X Generator Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2 Mark 2
Outdoor unit U-36PZH2E5 U-50PZH2E5 U-60PZH2E5 U-71PZH2E5 U-100PZH2E5 U-125PZH2E5 U-140PZH2E5 U-71PZH2E8 U-100PZH2E8 U-125PZH2E8 U-140PZH2E8
Outdoor power source V 220 - 230 - 240 220 - 230 - 240 220 - 230 - 240 220 - 230 - 240 220 - 230 - 240 220 - 230 - 240 220 - 230 - 240 380 - 400 - 415 380 - 400 - 415 380 - 400 - 415 380 - 400 - 415
Current in cooling (1p 220V / 3p 380) A 3,60 6,30 7,15 8,40 10,30 15,40 17,40 2,80 3,50 5,20 5,95
Current in cooling (1p 230V / 3p 400) A 3,45 6,05 6,80 8,05 9,85 14,70 16,90 2,70 3,30 4,95 5,65
Current in cooling (1p 240V / 3p 415) A 3,30 5,80 6,55 770,00 9,45 14,10 16,20 2,60 3,20 4,80 5,45
Current in heating (1p 220V / 3p 380) A 4,30 6,60 8,30 8,45 12,40 17,90 20,30 2,80 4,20 6,05 6,85
Current in heating (1p 230V / 3p 400) A 4,10 6,30 7,95 8,05 11,80 17,10 19,40 2,70 4,00 5,75 6,50
Current in heating (1p 240V / 3p 415) A 3,90 6,05 7,60 7,80 11,30 16,40 18,60 2,60 3,85 5,55 6,30
Outdoor air flow (Cool) m³/min 40 40 40 61 118 125 129 61 118 125 129
Outdoor air flow (Heat) m³/min 40 45 45 60 108 112 116 60 108 112 116
Outdoor sound pressure (Cool -Hi) dB(A) 43 45 46 48 52 53 54 48 52 53 54
Outdoor sound pressure (Heat -Hi) dB(A) 44 48 49 50 52 53 54 50 52 53 54
Outdoor sound power (Cool -Hi) dB(A) 62 64 65 65 69 70 71 65 69 70 71
Outdoor sound power (Heat -Hi) dB(A) 64 68 69 67 69 70 71 67 69 70 71
Outdoor dimension (Height) mm 695 695 695 996 1416 1416 1416 996 1416 1416 1416
Outdoor dimension (Width) mm 875 875 875 940 940 940 940 940 940 940 940
Outdoor dimension (Depth) mm 320 320 320 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340
Outdoor net weight kg 43 43 44 68 99 99 99 68 99 99 99
Pipe diameter (Liquid) Inch (mm) 1/4 (6,35) 1/4 (6,35) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52) 3/8 (9,52)
Pipe diameter (Gas) Inch (mm) 1/2 (12,70) 1/2 (12,70) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88) 5/8 (15,88)
Pipe length range m 3 ~ 40 3 ~ 40 3 ~ 40 5 ~ 50 5 ~ 85 5 ~ 85 5 ~ 85 5 ~ 50 5 ~ 85 5 ~ 85 5 ~ 85
Elevation difference (in/out) (6) m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Pipe length for additional gas m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Additional gas amount g/m 20 20 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Refrigerant (R32) / CO2 Eq. kg / T 1,15 / 0,776 1,15 / 0,776 1,45 / 0,979 1,95 / 1,316 3,05 / 2,059 3,05 / 2,059 3,05 / 2,059 1,95 / 1,316 3,05 / 2,059 3,05 / 2,059 3,05 / 2,059
Operating range (Cool - Min) °C -15 -15 -15 -15 -20 (7) -20 (7) -20 (7) -15 -20 (7) -20 (7) -20 (7)
Operating range (Cool - Max) °C +46 +46 +46 +46 +46 +46 +46 +46 +46 +46 +46
Operating range (Heat - Min) °C -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20
Operating range (Heat - Max) °C +24 +24 +24 +24 +24 +24 +24 +24 +24 +24 +24
(1) EER and COP calculation is based in accordance to EN14511.
(2) Energy Label Scale from A+++ to D. For models below 12kW, the SEER and SCOP is calculated based on values of EU/626/2011. For models above 12kW, the ηsc / ηsh values is calculated based on EN 14825.
(3) The annual energy consumption is calculated in accordance to EU/626/2011.
(4) Medium External static pressure setting from factory.
(5) The sound pressure of the units shows the value measured of the position 1,5m below the unit. The sound pressure is measured in accordance with Eurovent 6/C/006-97 specification.
(6) When installing the outdoor unit at a higher position than the indoor unit.
(7) For models 100~140PZH2E5(8), it is possible to operate the lowest -20°C in the computer rooms with the piping length of 30m or less.
* Recommended fuse for the indoor 3A.
** Above values are in the case of standard installation(horizontal installation in the celling, rear side air intake) and nanoe™ X OFF.
