R22 Renewal

An important drive to further reduce the potential damage to our ozone.
Why renewal?
It is often said that legislation is ruling our lives but sometimes it is there to help save lives. R22 phase out can be described as one of these and from Jan 1st 2010 the use of Virgin (new) R22 refrigerant was banned within the European Community.
Panasonic are doing our part
We at Panasonic are also doing our part – recognising that all finances are under pressure at the moment. Panasonic have developed a clean and cost effective solution to enable this latest legislation to be introduced with as minimum an effect on businesses and cash reserves as possible. The Panasonic renewal system allows good quality existing R22 pipe work to be re-used whilst installing new high efficiency R410A systems.
By installing a new high efficiency Panasonic R410A system you can benefit from around 30% running cost saving compared to the R22 system. The installation can also qualify for the government’s ECA (Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme) which enables you to offset the cost against your Capital Gains Tax. Yes...
1. Check the capacity of the system you wish to replace
2. Select from the Panasonic range the best system to replace it with
3. Follow the procedure detailed in the brochure and technical data Simple...
R22 - The reduction of Chlorine critical for a cleaner future

The new equipment can offer increased COP/EER by using state of the art inverter compressor and heat exchanger technology. Having contacted your Panasonic supplier regarding pipe work restrictions and gained approval to use the Panasonic Renewal System there are three main tests that have to be carried out to ensure that the system can be used effectively.
Firstly a thorough inspection of the pipe work must be carried out and any damage must be repaired. Secondly an oil test has to be carried out to ensure that the system has not been subject to a compressor burnout during its lifetime, Lastly a VRF Renewal Kit (CZ-SLK2) has to be installed within the pipe work to ensure that the system is cleaned of any remnants of oil.
The following shows an overview of the VRF Renewal Kit (CZ-SLK2) that is required when existing tubing is reused. If the exact tube length and tube size of the existing tubing are uncertain, attach a sight glass in accordance with the figure below. It will be used for checking the amount of additional refrigerant charge.
VRF Renewal Kit: CZ-SLK2
Unit: mm

A: Ø 1/2 (12.7) (12, 14, 16 HP)
B: Ø 3/8 (9.52) (4,5,6,8 10 HP)
1: Outdoor unit
2: Indoor unit side
C: Filter Drier
D: Charge Port
E: 445 (12, 14, 16 HP)
F: 535 (4, 5, 6, 8, 10 HP)
Sight glass (field supply)
If the exact tube length and tube size of the existing tubing are uncertain, attach a sight glass to the liquid tubing, and use it to check whether there is an appropriate amount of additional refrigerant charge.
Attaching the Filter Drier Kit and sight glass
- To adjust the limited pressure level into 3.3 MPa, special setting is necessary at site.
- A filter Drier shall be attached to the liquid tubing of each outdoor unit.
- High-Pressure switches shall be attached to both the liquid and the gas tubings of each outdoor unit.
- There is no need to remove the Filter Drier Kit after a test run is performed because normal operation continues while it is attached.
- When attaching the Filter Drier Kit, care shall be taken with reguards to the installation location and orientation of the filter drier and ball valve. If a mistake is made, the refrigerant is the system needs to be recovered when the filter drier is replaced, which will make maintenance difficult.
- Thermal insulation material (field supply: heat resistance of 80 °C or higher and thickness of 10 mm or greater) shall be applied to the Filter Drier Kit.
- The filter drier of the Filter Drier Kit may need to be replaced depending on the condition of the existing unit. Use a Danfoss DMB 164 as the replacement filter drier (field supply).

B: Balance tubing
C: Sight glass (field supply). If the exact tube lenght and tube size of the existing tubing are uncertain, attach a sight glass to the liquid tubing, and use it to check whether there is an appropriate amount of aditional refrigerant charge.
D: Gas tubing
E: Liquid tubing
F: VRF Renewal Kit (CZ-SLK2)