Hydrokit for ECOi. Water at 45 °C
Total system performs high energy efficiency by this heat recovering operation, and it gives an advantage for the environmental-friendly assessment scheme (ex. BREEAM in UK).

Technical focus
- Only with 3-Pipe ECOi MF2 6N Series outdoor units
- Remote controller CZ‑RTC5B common use with DX Coil indoor units ECOi and PACi
Hydrokit control function / CZ‑RTC5B
- CZ‑RTC5B is updated version from CZ-RTC3. It can be used for hydrokit and also normal indoor unit. CZ‑RTC5B checks the type of connected unit and switch hydrokit or air conditioner style of display automatically
- Operating mode on hydrokit style to be set at initial setting of the system from following modes: tank mode or air conditioning mode
Hydrokit module provides hot water by using waste heat that is recovered from standard air-conditioning indoor unit in cooling mode.
Total system performs high energy efficiency by this heat recovering operation, and it gives an advantage for sustainability related assessment methods, such as BREEAM in UK.
- Multiple hydromodule connection in same circuit is available
- Each module can be set different operation mode either hot water supply mode or space heating mode (both operation modes are not able to set at 1 hydromodule)
- 3-Pipe control solenoid valve kit is necessary for each indoor unit and hydromodule

* Cold water also available.