Discover how to achieve energy savings
Econavi detects and reduces this waste of energy in all the right ways. Up to 38% energy savings (cooling)
Vijf features die gelijktijdig energie besparen
Hoe werken temperatuurgolven?
Econavi sunlight sensor
New Sunlight Detection (on Cooling Mode) Econavi detects changes in sunlight intensity in the room and judges whether it is sunny or cloudy/night. It reduces waste energy by reducing cooling under less sunny conditions. When weather changes from sunny to cloudy/night, Econavi detects less sunlight intensity and determines less cooling power is required. If cooling power remains the same, energy will be wasted. Econavi detects this waste and reduces cooling power by an amount equivalent to increasing the set temperature by 1 °C.New Sunlight Detection (on Heating Mode)
Econavi detects changes in sunlight intensity in the room and judges whether it is sunny or cloudy/night. It reduces the wasted of heating under more sunnier conditions. When weather changes from cloudy/night to sunny, Econavi detects more sunlight intensity and determines less heating power is required. If heating power remains the same, energy will be wasted. Econavi detects this waste and reduces heating power by an amount equivalent to decreasing the set temperature by 1 °C.