3-Pipe ECOi MF2 6N Series

  • Simultaneous heating and cooling VRF system
  • Standardisation of outdoor unit to one compact casing size
  • Improved operation efficiency
  • Improvement of the heat exchanger

Heat Recovery with DX Coil

Smart ventilation with heat recovery and able to heat or cool the air. Motorised heat recovery by-pass device automatically controlled by unit control to use fresh air free-cooling when convenient.

Floor Standing

Ideal indoors to use under the window space. R type can be integrated and hidden behind the wall.

Mini ECOi Series

  • High Efficiency SEER and SCOP
  • Compact units that saves space
  • Piping length for flexible design and installation

Hydrokit for ECOi Water at 45°C

With ECOi heat recovery range, this indoor unit can produce chilled or heat water up to 45°C.

2-Pipe ECOi EX

  • VRF with outstanding energy-saving performance and powerful operation SEER 7,56 (18HP model)
  • High performance at extreme conditions
  • Outstanding efficiency and comfort
  • Superior flexibility

3-Pipe ECOi EX MF3 Series

  • Simultaneous heating and cooling operation with heat recovery type
  • SEER / SCOP improved in full capacities from 8 to 16HP
  • SEER / SCOP follows LOT21 from started from January 2018
  • EER / COP is certified in Eurovent


Wide choice of cassettes to adapt to different demands. The PU 90x90 cm cassette is ready to connect Econavi sensor and also nanoe™ X air purifier, to remove odors, and inhibit certain virus and bacteria. Connectable to ECOi and ECO G systems.

Hide Away

3 different types of hide away to adapt building needs. M type with only 200mm height for limited spaces, or F and E* type to adapt different needs of static pressure. Connectable to ECOi and ECO G systems.

* No compatible with 3-Pipe ECO G GF3.

Stropni i zidni

Zidne i stropne jedinice omogućuju bržu i jednostavniju montažu. Serije T i K kozmetički su lijepe i kompaktne.
Poveziv na ECOi i ECO G sustave.