A Globally Trusted Air Conditioning Brand

With more than 50 years of experience, selling to more than 120 countries around the world, Panasonic is one of the leaders in the heating and cooling sector.
With a diverse network of production and R&D facilities, Panasonic delivers innovative products incorporating cutting-edge technologies that set the standard for air conditioners worldwide. Expanding globally, Panasonic provides superior international products transcending borders.
We control the process
The company is also a world leader in innovation as it has filed more than 91 539 patents to improve its customers’ lives. Moreover, Panasonic is determined to remain at the forefront of its market. In all, the company has produced more than 200 million compressors and its products are manufactured in 294 plants which are located all over the world. You can be assured of the extremely high quality of Panasonic’s heat pumps. This wish to excel has made Panasonic a leading company in heating and turn-key air conditioning solutions. These offer maximum effectiveness, comply with all environmental standards and meet the most avant-garde construction requirements of our time.
Constantly Improving
At Panasonic, we know that the best is always yet to come. This is why our air conditioning and heat pump solutions are constantly upgraded. Panasonic is committed to offering our customers innovative products in the heating and cooling market across Europe, and has the ambition to not only meet but also exceed their requirements. Our Technology & Design teams anticipate the needs of tomorrow. We look to produce smaller, quieter, efficient solutions - with better technological features – that can reduce energy consumption while providing suitable temperature conditions for the user.
With more than 50 years of experience, selling to more than 120 countries around the world, Panasonic is one of the leaders in the heating and cooling sector.
With a diverse network of production and R&D facilities, Panasonic delivers innovative products incorporating cutting-edge technologies that set the standard for air conditioners worldwide. Expanding globally, Panasonic provides superior international products transcending borders.
We control the process
The company is also a world leader in innovation as it has filed more than 91 539 patents to improve its customers’ lives. Moreover, Panasonic is determined to remain at the forefront of its market. In all, the company has produced more than 200 million compressors and its products are manufactured in 294 plants which are located all over the world. You can be assured of the extremely high quality of Panasonic’s heat pumps. This wish to excel has made Panasonic a leading company in heating and turn-key air conditioning solutions. These offer maximum effectiveness, comply with all environmental standards and meet the most avant-garde construction requirements of our time.
Constantly Improving
At Panasonic, we know that the best is always yet to come. This is why our air conditioning and heat pump solutions are constantly upgraded. Panasonic is committed to offering our customers innovative products in the heating and cooling market across Europe, and has the ambition to not only meet but also exceed their requirements. Our Technology & Design teams anticipate the needs of tomorrow. We look to produce smaller, quieter, efficient solutions - with better technological features – that can reduce energy consumption while providing suitable temperature conditions for the user.
Iskusna organizacija od 1980-ih u Europi

Partner cijele Europe.
· potpuna europska pokrivenost i integrirana organizacija
· jedan glas za europske sporazume
· dostupnost i isporuka bilo gdje u Europi
· specifikacijski tim za podršku projektiranju diljem Europe
· europska mreža servisa

Kvalificirani stručnjaci.
· 22 centra za obuku u 15 država
· obučava se više od 5000 stručnjaka godišnje. Inovacija i proizvodnja u Europi

Odjel za istraživanje i razvoj osmišljava rješenja za različite europske potrebe.
· osnovana nova tvornica u Češkoj
· softver za projektiranje izrađen u Europi za Europu
Saznajte više o novoosnovanoj tvornici u Češkoj

Panasonic R&D Center Germany GmbH.
Panasonicov europski centar za istraživanje i razvoj fokusira se na tehnološki razvoj za inteligentne i ekološki prihvatljive buduće proizvode, poput audio video rješenja, rješenja za komunikaciju i energetskih rješenja.

More than Cooling, Heating and Refrigeration Solutions.
Security, communication solutions, advanced digital signage technology, access control solutions, displays…
Naši globalni pogoni
Osiguranje kvalitete od Japana do cijeloga svijeta

Poslovna jedinica za stambenu klimatizaciju
(Shiga, Japan)
Osnovano u travnju 1972.
• Sjedište tvrtke za uređaje i aparate
• Poslovna grupa kućanskih uređaja
• Odjel korporativnog inženjeringa

Poslovna jedinica za komercijalnu klimatizaciju,
PAPARS (Gunma, Japan)
Osnovano u srpnju 1959.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji
• Rashladni uređaji / hladnjaci

Panasonic Appliances Air
Conditioning Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Osnovano u travnju 1972.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji
• Toplinske pumpe zrak-voda

Panasonic Appliances Air
Conditioning R&D Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Osnovano u lipnju 1991.
• Istraživanje i razvoj klimatizacijskih uređaja
• Toplinske pumpe zrak-voda

PAPAMY Compressor
Osnovano u siječnju 1987.
• Rotacijski kompresori za klimatizacijske uređaje

PAPAMY Compressor R&Dt
Osnovano u rujnu 1997.
• Istraživanje i razvoj rotacijskih kompresora

Panasonic Appliances Air
Conditioning (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Osnovano u lipnju 1993.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji
Panasonic Wanbao Appliances
Compressor (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Osnovano u lipnju 1993.
• Rotacijski kompresori za klimatizacijske uređaje
• Kompresori za klimatizacijske uređaje u vozilima

Panasonic R&D Center
Suzhou Co., Ltd.
Osnovano u travnju 2002.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji
• Istraživanje i razvoj za kućanske uređaje

Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration (Dalian) Co., Ltd
Osnovano u rujnu 1992.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji

Panasonic Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Osnovano u listopadu 1962.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji
• Klimatizacijski uređaji za vozila

Panasonic Manufacturing
Osnovano u rujnu 1965.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji

Panasonic Manufacturing
Philippines Corporation
Osnovano u rujnu 1967.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji

Panasonic India Pvt. Ltd.
Osnovano u prosincu 2012.
• Klimatizacijski uređaji za prostorije