Eco & smart ideas for a sustainable lifestyle
A better life, a better world.
Panasonic is creating a safe and secure society with clean energy.
Ever since the company’s founding in 1918, Panasonic has been implementing business activities based on its corporate philosophy of improving lives and society as a whole. Protection of the environment and sustainability have always been central to the group’s activities
Smart City Quarter Berlin
Demographic change, energy revolution and mobility change.
We offer solutions for the challenges of our time.
A European Lighthouse Project for Smart Home & Connected Life. Future Living® Berlin.
Projekt izgradnje Future Living® Berlin budući je model međusobno povezane urbane četvrti. Od 2013. godine GSW Sigmaringen i Unternehmensgruppe Krebs razvijaju model života budućnosti: utemeljen na njihovoj dugogodišnjoj stručnosti na području nekretnina i u suradnji s vodećim međunarodnim tehnološkim poduzećima. U proljeće 2019. prvi će se stanovnici useliti u novu četvrt.
Future Living® Berlin iskorištava sve veću mogućnost međusobnog povezivanja proizvoda i usluga. Na osnovi ove prilike razvijaju se pametna i inteligentna rješenja za život u budućnosti, kako za pojedine stanove, tako i za cjelokupnu četvrt. Tim se rješenjima stanovnicima omogućava upotreba mrežnih usluga u njihovu pametnom životnom okruženju. Na osnovi tih mogućnosti razvija se koncept života i dnevne rutine kojima se stanovnicima pruža udobnost, sigurnost i ušteda vremena.
Panasonic Environment Vision 2050.
At Panasonic, we are heavily involved in designing eco-conscious, smart living spaces and infrastructure where energy is generated from electricity and/or hydrogen. Such living spaces not only have the means to generate their own energy, but energy generated there can also be transported. And “living spaces”, do not just mean private homes, but all kinds of space needed for work, study, and leisure. In short, all kinds of buildings you can think of when it comes to improving the social environment.