Star River Group Luxury Condominium (China)

Room air conditioners: 458 systems
Cooling Capacity: 16,737 kW / 4,755 USRT
Indoor Units:
Slim low-static ducted: 3,062 units
Wall Mounted: 886 units
Control System:
Wired controllers: 1,178 units
Wired remote controllers: 2,682 units
Panasonic Appliances Air-Conditioning (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (PAPAGZ) installed energy-efficient VRF inverter-type air conditioners in a new deluxe condominium in Guangzhou. To preserve the exterior appearance of the buildings, PAPAGZ held in-depth consultations with the client regarding the installation space for the outdoor units. The client chose Panasonic because of the company’s excellent brand image, the proven cost performance of its products, and its adherence to strict Japanese levels of quality control. Another key factor was the close location of its plant in Guangzhou, which allowed PAPAGZ to respond quickly to customer needs before, during, and after the installation process.