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UK Based Food Factory Installs Panasonic CO2 Commercial Refrigeration to Cool and Freeze Sushi


CO2, Cold Chain

Tanpopo Japanese Food, a UK-based food wholesaler, has recently equipped its warehouse in Feltham, West London, with condensing units from the Panasonic CO2 Cold Chain range. The units were installed by Versan Ltd of Chertsey, Surrey, a company that specialises in the installation of refrigeration technology.   For over 20 years, Tanpopo has been making and supplying sushi to catering companies, supermarkets, hotels, stadia and event organisers across the UK. With the use of renewable technology and reliability high on the agenda for Tanpopo, Panasonic’s Cold Chain Commercial Refrigeration range, which uses environmentally-friendly CO2, was the ideal choice for all their frozen and chilled food storage refrigeration requirements when the business moved to its new premises in Feltham.   Peter Bigmore, Owner of Tanpopo Japanese Food Ltd, commented, “After extensive trialling of another competing product, we chose the Panasonic solution because of its environmentally-friendly credentials.  Other key factors were the range’s reliability, the fact the units are compatible with a range of control systems and due to the low charge of CO2 required by the units, no additional leak detection equipment was necessary for this application.”   A further challenge for this installation was that the cooking and manufacturing process in the factory results in ambient temperatures of up to 43oC, so any refrigeration units chosen must be able to operate efficiently even in these extreme conditions. Fortunately, this is one of the unique benefits of the Panasonic units, which can operate efficiently at this temperature, and thus provides additional confidence in the technology of the product.   The Panasonic CO2 Cold Chain units are suitable for both refrigerated and freezer showcases, as well as walk-in freezers and cold rooms – offering a solution for all commercial refrigeration needs. The technology has been specifically developed for small to medium capacity applications within the retail and food service sectors. The range available in the UK features units for medium temperature (4kW to 16kW) and low temperature (2kW to 8kW) condensing units.  Additionally, the 16kW (10HP) units can be connected to provide up to 32kW cooling capacity at medium temperature.   Launched in Japan in 2010, the range has 10 years’ experience in projects within Japan and was first launched in the UK in 2018. The key benefits and factors to the success of the units is due to the reliability, the compact size, the unique two stage compressor, the easy installation and the use of the natural refrigerant CO2. Furthermore, the units are compatible with a range of different control systems.   In July 2019, Versan Ltd commissioned and has currently installed four Panasonic 2kW CO2 units at Tanpopo Japanese Food Ltd’s premises in Feltham that replaced four of the R404 systems, two in the low temperature cold rooms at -30°C and two serving as medium temperature chillers at -4°C.  Due to the advice from Versan Ltd and their experience of CO2, further units are due to be installed to replace all the current R404 systems at the premises.  Each of the Panasonic units is used to either freeze or chill the products produced in the sushi factory, that are then stored prior to them being shipped to supermarkets around the UK.   Xavier Debray, Managing Director of Versan Ltd commented, “One of the pre-requisites for many supermarket chains now is to review their supply chain and their green credentials, such as the use of renewable technology during their processes. The Panasonic units use CO2, a very attractive natural alternative to conventional refrigerant gases.   CO2 has a zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and a GWP (Global Warming Potential) equal to 1 (compared to a refrigerant like R404A with a GWP of 3922).”   Xavier has a keen interest in renewable and sustainable technology and in particular the use of CO2 and adds, “I studied the use of CO2 as a refrigerant some years ago when at University and was thrilled after recent research that manufacturers such as Panasonic are now embracing this technology and have developed a reliable commercial refrigeration range that uses CO2.  Some of Tanpopo’s partners are also Japanese and really liked the fact that the technology from Panasonic has originated and been proven in projects for over a decade in Japan. Furthermore, the unique benefit of the Panasonic range is being able to easily switch from either freeze or chill mode.”   Indy Tharnvithian, Technical Specialist for CO2 at Panasonic added “When installing the Panasonic CO2 range, just two settings are required – vacuum mode and evaporating setting – everything else is pre-set. Obviously if need be, settings can easily be modified with alarms that will indicate any wrong settings. If installers register on the Panasonic Pro-Club website, they will have access to free commissioning tools that includes a cooling capacity calculator, pipe calculator and EEV quick selection tool.”   Xavier further explained that, “As Versan Ltd were one of the first to commission and install the Panasonic units in the UK, we were originally a little bit apprehensive, but found that by working with Indy, Technical Specialist at Panasonic, onsite during the design and commissioning stage, plus throughout the process, helped to make the process easier. In fact, we were pleasantly surprised by how easy the units were to install and how reliable the units have been since installation. So much so that Tanpopo are looking to install further units.”
For more information on Versan Ltd please see

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Uspjeh toplinske pumpe Panasonic Aquarea u poznatom irskom Ryder Cup Villageu



Straffan Manor je nedavno najavljen kao nagrađivani projekt na Panasonic PRO Awards 2015. Sustav grijanja i tople vode Panasonic Aquarea instaliran je u svih 21 od 5-6 spavaćih luksuznih kuća u Straffan Co.Kildareu, Irska.

Kompleks Straffan Manor izgradio je Mulberry Properties Ltd – obiteljska tvrtka druge generacije, poznata po izgradnji prestižnih kuća u Irskoj. Panasonicov PRO partner Mick O'Shea Heating and Plumbing Ltd i Panasonicov distributer Heat Merchants upotpunili su tim za oživljavanje ovog rješenja.


Klijent, Mulberry Properties Ltd, bio je posvećen ne samo usklađenosti s građevinskim propisima, već je težio i nadmašiti ih kako bi postavio novi standard. “Građevinska industrija dramatično se razvila u posljednje 2 godine, s velikim naglaskom na nekoliko aspekata projektiranja i izgradnje. To uključuje potpuno novi pristup kvaliteti izolacije, nepropusnosti zraka i visoko učinkovitim obnovljivim izvorima topline i energije”, objašnjava Fergal Flattery iz Mulberry Properties Ltd. Ključni ciljevi u izgradnji ovih novih domova bili su osigurati postizanje A2 energetske razine zgrade ocjenom korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije i premašiti zahtjeve za smanjenje emisije ugljika navedene u dijelu L. Osim izgradnje domova s najboljom mogućom infrastrukturom, udobnost budućnosti okupatora također je bila od iznimne važnosti. Tvrtka Mulberry Properties Ltd željela je instalirati sustav grijanja jednostavan za korištenje, koji bi bio jednostavan za rukovanje i održavanje sada i u budućnosti, kao i nadopunu cjelokupne estetike razvoja. Druge ključne značajke koje su uzete u obzir bile su energetska učinkovitost, niski tekući troškovi i minimalni poremećaji ili pretjerani zemljani radovi tijekom faze izgradnje.


Zahtjevi za visokom učinkovitošću u niskim uvjetima okoline i estetski ugodnim jedinicama smještenim dalje od stana s malom površinom i bez gubitaka topline u cijevima bili su izazov timu. Mick O'Shea objasnio je: „Upotreba solarne toplinske tehnologije u kombinaciji s plinskim uređajima u ovom projektu kratko je razmatrana, ali nije odabrana u konačnom dizajnu sustava grijanja jer je utvrđeno da promjene na strukturi zgrade i potreban krovni prostor za solarnu toplinsku instalaciju odgovarajuće veličine bio je previsok”. Osim toga, rizik od legionele u spremnicima za pohranjenu toplu vodu bio je zabrinjavajući, s dodatnim troškovima i štetnim učincima na energetsku učinkovitost grijanja te vode.  

Panasonicovo rješenje

Nakon opsežnog razmatranja između Shanea Duffyja iz tvrtke Heat Merchants, Micka O' Shea i Mulberry Properties Ltd, odlučeno je da je sustav s dizalicom topline najbolja opcija s toplinskom pumpom Panasonic Aquarea T-Cap kao preferiranom opcijom za Straffan Manor domovima. Ova je opcija nudila mogućnost integracije dizalice topline s drugim dodatnim rješenjima za obnovljivu energiju, čime se postižu visoke performanse dok ostaje energetski učinkovit i daje dodatni bonus niskih troškova rada. Izvrsna kvaliteta izrade jedinica Aquarea u kombinaciji s dostupnošću lokalnog Panasonicovog servisnog inženjera zapečatila je dogovor.

Novi domovi sada imaju koristi od Panasonic Aquarea T-CAP 12kW split sustava, koji proizvodi 100% kućne tople vode i grijanja potrebnog za domove tijekom cijele godine, bez potrebe za pomoćnim sustavom. Kako je ušteda energije bila prioritet, potrošnja energije dizalice topline nadoknađena je njezinim uparivanjem s toplinskim spremnikom i fotonaponskim panelima.

Potreba za grijanjem pohranjene tople vode kako bi se eliminirao rizik od legionele i povezanog povećanja troškova i smanjenja energetske učinkovitosti riješen je ugradnjom Kingspan 540 litara toplinskog spremnika s izmjenjivačem tople vode za kućanstvo. Za razliku od konvencionalnih sustava, nema potrebe za određivanjem prioriteta između grijanja i tople vode. Zbog velikog volumena spremnika topline nikada ne dolazi do dramatičnog pada temperature, što omogućuje toplinskoj crpki Aquarea da udobno povrati temperaturu. Ovo rješenje održava učinkovitost dizalice topline držeći potrošnju energije i troškove na minimumu.

Krovni solarni fotonaponski paneli postavljeni su na kuće u dvorcu Straffan kao nadopuna Panasonic toplinske pumpe. Time će se proizvesti približno 1530 kWh energije godišnje i izbjeći emisija CO2 od 1356 kg godišnje. (Pogledajte priloženi dokument podrške). Fotonaponska tehnologija odabrana je u odnosu na solarne toplinske sustave jer je dizalica topline već zadovoljila toplinske zahtjeve i smatralo se da već isporučuje i vrijednost i povrat ulaganja. Solarni PV sustav isporučuje potpunu ugljično neutralnu energiju uz minimalno potrebno održavanje. Također se lako integrira s projektom arhitekata i omogućuje buduće proširenje.

„Budući da se dizalica topline oslanja na električnu energiju, klijent je smatrao da bi mogućnost proizvodnje električne energije dodala vrijednosti koju pruža dizalica topline. Klijent je također odlučio koristiti podno grijanje u prizemlju koje je idealno prilagođeno za korištenje s dizalicom topline i termoakumulacijom. Kuće u ovoj zgradi su nepropusne za zrak i kao rezultat toga, kada se ploča prizemlja zagrije, ona će zauzvrat grijati cijelu zgradu. Podno grijanje postiže optimalne rezultate i učinkovitost toplinske pumpe,” zaključio je Martin Flattery iz Mulberry Properties.


Panasonicova tehnologija toplinske pumpe bila je ključna komponenta u timu koji je mogao ponuditi prvoklasni sustav grijanja za stanovnike dvorca Straffan. Aquarea T-Cap split sustav premašio je sva očekivanja i dobio energetske ocjene A2, samo 1 korak ispod statusa pasivne kuće. Ove nove nagrađivane kuće pružit će obiteljima udobne domove koji su učinkoviti i ekonomični za upravljanje i laki za održavanje dugi niz godina. Martin Flattery iz Mulberry Properties Ltd zaključuje: "Oduševljeni smo što je Straffan Manor dobio ovu prestižnu nagradu Panasonic PRO i to je zasluga za sve uključene."

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